Sokoban Solver Statistics - Open Test Suite

Date: 2025-03-29

    Solved puzzles Puzzles Festival Sokolution Takaken YASS All?One?None?
9760 of 10083 9636 9556 8761 8379 8173266323
Sokoban Solver Statistics - Test Suite Summary - Solved Puzzles - Open Test Suite
    Puzzle Set Puzzles Festival Sokolution Takaken YASS All?One?None?
1 A.K.K. Informatika 32 31 30 26 25 2211
2 ABHT -01- 100 88 87 70 52 4978
3 ABHT -02- 100 77 74 60 51 48522
4 Andre Bernier 12 6 4 3 0  54
5 Aymeric Du Peloux 282 282 282 282 282 282  
6 beear 182 151 159 110 110 931718
7 Blazz 18 18 18 18 18 18  
8 Blazz -2- 17 17 17 17 17 17  
9 Brian Damgaard YASGen 28 28 28 28 28 28  
10 Brian Kent Aenigma 50 50 50 50 50 50  
11 Bruno Druille 29 25 22 17 8 862
12 Christian Eggermont 5 3 2 3 2 2 2
13 CrazyMonk Disciple 50 47 42 29 22 1953
14 David Holland dh 20 14 11 4 4 336
15 Demons & Diamonds 20 20 18 17 17 172 
16 dh1 10 10 10 9 7 7  
17 dh2 10 9 9 8 7 7 1
18 DWS Mas Microban arr 11 11 11 9 9 9  
19 DWS Microban arr 3 3 3 3 3 3  
    Puzzle Set Puzzles Festival Sokolution Takaken YASS All?One?None?
20 Flatland 20 20 20 20 20 20  
21 Frantisek Pokorny 103 98 100 90 91 8961
22 Galadriel 30 28 27 21 16 164 
23 GRIGoRusha Comet 30 30 30 30 30 30  
24 GRIGoRusha Remodel Club 108 78 80 62 58 571223
25 GRIGoRusha Star 30 30 30 30 30 30  
26 GRIGoRusha Sun 10 10 10 10 10 10  
27 Grigr Special 40 40 40 40 40 40  
28 Grigr2001 100 98 98 95 96 95 2
29 Grigr2002 40 40 40 39 38 38  
30 GrigrSpecial 40 40 40 40 40 40  
31 Haikemono 35 23 7 4 2 21512
32 Holland 81 79 78 70 65 6412
33 IAG 35 35 35 24 20 19  
34 Jacques Duthen Kids 61 61 61 61 61 61  
35 Jacques Duthen Sokogen 78 78 78 78 78 78  
36 Jean-Pierre Kent 75 70 63 46 32 2855
37 Kaufmann Cubes & Tubes 20 20 20 20 20 20  
38 KEAS Collection 26 23 22 18 12 1012
39 Kenya Maruyama 45 45 45 43 44 43  
    Puzzle Set Puzzles Festival Sokolution Takaken YASS All?One?None?
40 Kevin 01 100 100 100 98 95 93  
41 Kevin B. Reilly 2054 2054 2047 2035 1996 19813 
42 Kobus Theron 107 107 107 106 102 101  
43 Life 70 57 58 37 38 3388
44 Marcus Palstra 30 25 18 11 8 794
45 Master Head 45 45 45 42 41 39  
46 Microban 155 155 155 155 155 155  
47 Microban II 135 135 135 134 135 134  
48 Numbers 12 11 11 9 10 9 1
49 Premysl Zika 270 245 251 227 225 218618
50 Primus gradus ad Olympo 111 106 105 96 99 9634
51 Pufiban 170 170 170 170 170 170  
52 Sasquatch 50 50 50 41 37 35  
53 Sasquatch 08 50 42 43 36 30 2836
54 Sasquatch 10 50 42 45 35 35 3354
55 Sasquatch 11 50 42 45 30 25 2354
56 Sasquatch 12 50 49 48 45 46 4511
57 Sasquatch II 50 44 45 36 31 3034
58 Sasquatch III 50 46 47 27 22 1951
59 Sasquatch IV 50 46 47 38 35 3351
    Puzzle Set Puzzles Festival Sokolution Takaken YASS All?One?None?
60 Sasquatch V 50 46 46 36 36 34 4
61 Sasquatch VI 50 43 46 35 32 3134
62 Sasquatch VII 50 47 46 34 33 3113
63 Secundus gradus ad Olympo 76 60 60 49 46 43314
64 Small chessboards 40 38 39 36 21 201 
65 SokEvo 107 107 107 107 107 107  
66 SokHard 163 163 163 163 163 163  
67 Sokoban Perfect 306 292 291 271 243 238311
68 Sokoban Revenge 306 290 287 259 223 2181211
69 Sokobet 29 28 28 25 22 22 1
70 Sokoboxx 75 70 63 46 32 2855
71 Sokodeal 100 59 47 32 15 132034
72 SokoMind 60 60 59 54 50 481 
73 SokoStation 380 378 375 361 353 34521
74 Sonic 1 26 26 24 21 13 12  
75 Sonic 2 52 50 41 23 9 782
76 Sonic 3 67 67 55 43 18 176 
77 Sven Egevad 1911 1876 1874 1704 1676 16183315
78 Sven Egevad Sharpen 153 141 142 84 71 6696
79 Tertius gradus ad Olympo 65 49 52 36 42 35113
    Puzzle Set Puzzles Festival Sokolution Takaken YASS All?One?None?
80 The Bagatelle Collection 1 20 20 20 19 19 19  
81 The Bagatelle Collection 2 12 8 8 8 7 7 4
82 The Cantrip Collection 1 20 20 20 20 20 20  
83 The Cantrip Collection 2 13 13 13 13 13 13  
84 The Solvers Unsolvable 3 2 1 1 0  2 
85 TianLang 10 7 8 7 7 712
86 Warehouse Volume I 50 50 50 50 50 50  
87 XSokoban 90 90 90 90 89 89  
88 Yoshio Murase Autogenerated 52 52 52 52 52 52  
89 Yoshio Murase Handmade 54 54 54 54 54 54  
90 Zbigniew Kornas 48 23 22 16 13 12423
    Puzzle Set Puzzles Festival Sokolution Takaken YASS All?One?None?
9760 of 10083 9636 9556 8761 8379 8173266323
Open Test Suite All test suite puzzles
Solver Festival
Version 3.1
Author Yaron Shoham
Time limit 10 minutes
Solver settings Default settings
Computer processor (CPU) AMD Ryzen(TM) 9 7900X
Solver Sokolution
Version 7.32
Author Florent Diedler
Time limit 10 minutes
Solver settings Default settings
Computer processor (CPU) AMD Ryzen(TM) 9 7900X
Solver Takaken
Version 7.4
Author Ken'ichiro Takahashi (takaken), Japan
Time limit 10 minutes
Solver settings Default settings
Computer processor (CPU) AMD Ryzen(TM) 9 7900X
Solver YASS
Version 2.153
Author Brian Damgaard
Time limit 10 minutes
Solver settings Default settings
Computer processor (CPU) AMD Ryzen(TM) 9 7900X

Sokoban Solver Statistics Contact Sokoban Wiki LogoProject Manager: Matthias Meger, GermanyProgramming and Design: Brian Damgaard, Denmark

Open Test Suite